Saint Paschal Baylon
Religious ( 1592 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 17 May
Saints Whose Bodies Resisted Corruption
Paschal Baylon, the "seraph of the Eucharist," was born in Spain in A.D. 1540. Devout & joyful, Paschal helped other children resolve their disputes & spoke to them about Christian life. His employer proposed to adopt him as his heir, but at 24 Paschal became a lay brother at a Franciscan monastery
Kind, self-disciplined, & an ardent lover of the Eucharist, Paschal would spend hours in adoration. "Make frequent, even countless acts of praise & thanksgiving," he wrote. Paschal died in A.D. 1592. Witnesses state that his corpse venerated the Eucharist during his funeral Mass. Afterwards, in an effort to spare the many visitors foul odors, the body was covered in lime to speed up the process of decomposition
A witness describes the moment the casket was opened : "The lid was raised & we all approached the shrine & attested the presence of the crust of lime which concealed the saint from sight…O heavenly joy!…The features of our blessed brother were disclosed, full of life & animation. It was indeed himself, miraculously preserved in the flesh…Nothing recalled death, or the presence of a dead body; on the contrary everything breathed life & brought consolation…"
"and joy to the soul. Human language is inadequate to portray such a spectacle." Pascal Baylon is the patron of all Eucharist congresses & societies
Almighty Father, through the prayers of Saint Paschal , may your Church boldly proclaim the life-giving presence of the Resurrected Lord in the Eucharist
#SaintPaschalBaylon #PrayForUs
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