Saint Stanislaus Papczynski
Founder ( 1701 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 18 May
Saints Who Were Devoted to the Passion of Our Lord
A native of Podergrodzie , in southern Poland , Stanislaus was the first man to enter the Piarist Order in Poland. The early years of his religious life were marked with great success; he was a sought-after confessor & preacher. Yet the time was one of suffering & uncertainty...
as a new vocation began to grow within Stanislaus. After a "lengthy martyrdom" in which he spent many hours meditating on Christ's Passion, Stanislaus became convinced that he was to found a new order: the Marian Clerks of the Immaculate Conception. He began with a few other hermits in the Korabiew Forest The founding reflected Stanislaus' attachment to the Immaculate Conception 200 years before the doctrine would be defined by the Roman Pontiff.
Over time, the Clerks became apostolic, reflecting Stanislaus' experiences as a battlefield chaplain during the Swedish invasions that had tested the Polish state. He urged his spiritual sons to offer prayer & penances
for those who die without sufficient spiritual preparation for death
particularly those who die in battle
or from the the plague
Stanislaus finally received papal approval for his order in A.D. 1699.
In A.D. 1701, Stanislaus pronounced his solemn vows & died soon afterward.
Eternal Father, through the intercession of Saint Stanislaus Papczynski , let my present sorrows contribute to the building of your Kingdom in this world
#SaintStanislausPapczynski #PrayForUs
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