Blessed Frances Nisch
Virgin ( 1913 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 8 May
Saints Who Worked with Their Hands
Frances was born in Oberdorf-Mittelbiberach , Germany , one of 10 children. Her father was a stable groom & her mother a servant. The family was so desperately poor that Frances was sent to live with an aunt
Frances 's aunt encouraged her growth in prayer From the age of 16, Frances had to work as a maid
to help support her parents & siblings. At 21, Frances contracted erysipelas , an acute form of cellulitis , & she was forced to stop work & submit herself to the care of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross of Ingenbohl
Upon Frances 's recovery, she decided to join them. After her profession in A.D. 1907, she was assigned to kitchen duty supporting the order's main work of nursing the sick. Frances maintained a deep sense of God's presence
throughout her grueling daily routine. Others noted her patience, humility, & evident joy
In May A.D. 1912, at the age of 29, Frances was diagnosed with tuberculosis . She died the following year. A popular local cult immediately sprang up, fueled by the reports of her intercession.
By A.D. 1963, 100,000 people were visiting Frances' grave
every year. In A.D. 1987, her cause for sainthood was introduced, & it proceeded with unusual speed
, with Saint John Paul II pronouncing her beatification that same year.
Loving Father, through the intercession of Blessed Frances Nisch , help me to love being small and going unnoticed
"Kein Maß kennt die Liebe"
"Love knows no measure"
#BlessedFrancesNisch #BlessedUlrikaNisch #PrayForUs
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