Tuesday, February 27, 2024

🇹🇷 🇻🇦 Saint Basil the Confessor Feast: 28 February


🇹🇷 🇻🇦 Saint Basil the Confessor
Monk (✝️ 750 Anno Domini A.D.)                  Feast: 28 February

Saint Basil the Confessor was a monk & suffered during the reign of the iconoclast emperor Leo the Isaurian (717-741 A.D.). When a persecution started against those who venerated holy icons, Saint Basil & his companion Saint Procopius of Decapolis (February 27) were subjected to much torture & locked up in prison ⛓️




Both Saint Basil and Saint Procopius languished in prison for a long while, until the death of the impious emperor ☠️ 

When the holy Confessors Basil and Procopius were set free along with other venerators of holy icons, they continued in their monastic struggles ⛪  instructing many in the Christian Faith and the virtuous life. Saint Basil died peacefully in the year 750 A.D.

#SaintBasilTheConfessor #PrayForUs 🙏 


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