Friday, September 15, 2023

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡»πŸ‡¦ Saint Edith of Wilton Feast: 16 September


πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡»πŸ‡¦ Saint Edith of Wilton
Nun (✝️ 984 Anno Domini A.D.)        Feast: 16 September

Edith was the daughter of Wulfrida , a novice from Wilton Abbey ⛪ whom King Edgar πŸ€΄ had forcibly abducted πŸ’ͺ When Edith was a year old her mother returned with her to Wilton. There she grew up & was educated πŸ‘©‍🏫 spending the rest of her life within the abbey walls. At 15,as she prepared to take vows, her father, the king, reappeared.

On one side of the chapel he held out gold & jewels πŸ‘‘ representing the option of taking her place in the royal court πŸ° On the other side, her mother, now the abbess of Wilton , held out a veil & psalter πŸ§• πŸ“• "All prayed that God, who knows all things, would show to one still at so wayward an age what life she should choose." Without hesitation she chose to remain in her mother's community. ⛪


Tho Edith spent her short life as a humble nun, some measure of her personality emerges from the story of a visiting bishop, who upbraided her for wearing luxurious garb. She answered that God's judgment could penetrate outward appearances. "For pride may exist under the garb of wretchedness," she noted, "& a mind may be as pure under these vestments as under your tattered furs." Edith oversaw the building πŸ‘·‍♀️ of the Church of St. Denis in Wilton ⛪


The church's consecration was attended by St. Dunstan , archbishop of Canterbury . Edith died only 6 weeks later, on September 16, 984 A.D. at the age of 22. She was buried in the church, & her grave became a popular site of pilgrimage. ⛪ πŸšΆ‍♂️ πŸšΆ‍♀️

"She did not leave the world; she never knew it."

-Roman Martyrology

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