Saint Isidore
Layman ( 1130 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 15 May
In March 1622 A.D. five great saints were canonized together. They included St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, St. Teresa of Avila , & St. Philip Neri . The 5th, St. Isidore, stood apart. He founded no order; he accomplished no great deeds ( apart from tilling the land )
Isidore was, in fact, a simple farmworker , born in Madrid , who spent his entire working life in the service of the same wealthy landowner. With his good wife, Maria , he bore one son, who died in childhood. He knew the hardships, the toil, & sorrows of all farmworkers then & since. & he displayed the simple though profound faith so common to campesinos the world over. He attended Mass daily
& prayed continuously as he worked the fields
In Isidore 's case, however, his faith was attended by visible signs & wonders. It was reported, for example, that angels were seen assisting him as he plowed
. Isidore was famous for his generosity toward those even poorer than himself. His table was always open to the indigent, while he lived on the scraps left over
Isidore 's kindness extended to animals. One winter dayhe was so moved by the sorrowful noises of some hungry birds π¦ that he opened the sack of corn he was carrying & poured out 1/2 its contents. Tho witnesses scoffed at his prodigality, later, at the mill, the bag was found miraculously to be full. Other similar stories are told of this holy peasant, who died on May 15, 1130 A.D.
In the list of canonized saints, Saint Isidore 's type is surprisingly rare; in heaven, presumably, less so
"Listen! A sower went out to sow..."
-Matthew 13:3
#SaintIsidore #PrayForUs
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