Saint Augustine of Canterbury
Missionary Bishop (604 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 27 May
St. Augustine was the leader of a party of 40 monks commissioned by Pope St. Gregory the Great to bring Christianity to Britain . Their mission nearly faltered before the band had departed France Frightened by reports of the ferocity of the English , Augustine appealed to Gregory for permission to withdraw
Pope Gregory exhorted St. Augustine to continue: "My very dear sons, it is better never to undertake any high enterprise than to abandon it when once begun. So, with the help of God you must carry out this holy task...I hope to share in your joyful reward." Augustine continued to write back for instructions. Among his questions: What exactly are the functions of a bishop ♗ ? What punishment should be awarded to those who rob churches ?
Is it permissible for 2 brothers to marry 2 sisters? On such matters as these, Augustine wrote, "These uncouth English require guidance." Despite his fears and uncertainties, Augustine's missions proved a success. He converted King Ethelbert of Kent and with him his subjects Within 7 years of his arrival he had established 3 diocese, including the cathedral see at Canterbury , where he was buried upon his death in 604 A.D.
"Pray in the spirit and sentiment of love in which the royal prophet said to Him ,'Thou, O Lord, are my portion.' Let others choose to themselves portions among creatures, for my part, You are my portion, You alone I have chosen for my whole inheritance."
-Saint Augustine of Canterbury
#SaintAugustineOfCanterbury #PrayForUs #OraProNobis
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