Monday, May 14, 2018

Susan Sarandon has always been an anti American Lefty Loon

Here's the entire May 8, 1974 Johnny Carson Show where he gave anti Nixon writer Jack Anderson a solid half hour to slag off Nixon and spread rumor and innuendo:

Carson then advertised Sarandon as a pro Nixon guest who was allegedly invited to balance out Anderson, so I can only presume Sarandon's publicist completely misrepresented her political point of view to Carson's producers.

Johnny Carson: Now to take the [Nixon] administration side [laughs] That's not very fair.  She's a lovely young actress.  She's been with us before. She's played the daughter in the movie, "Joe" and Young Zelda in television's "The Last of the Belles" Will you welcome, Susan Sarandon.

[ audience claps]

Carson:  I didn't mean to imply that you were politically going to get involved in any of this at all although you may have some views on what's happening.

Sarandon: I wrote him a letter.

Carson: You wrote who a letter?

Sarandon: Mr. Nixon.


Notice how Sarandon did not use the honorific President Nixon.  Leftists become very irate when Republicans don't use honorific titles for Democrat public servants, specifically Clooney @2:20 in linked video upset when his messiah not shown proper reverence :


Carson: You really sit down and write letters?

Sarandon: You have to because .... I mean, I'm sure he doesn't read them.  But, uh, someone reads them.  I send him telegrams.  I write him more than my relatives [laughs]. 

Carson: May I ask you what you write?

Sarandon: I just told him I didn't believe him any more, although I never did, I thought that it would sound better if he thought that I had [well, if Nixon watched Carson's show, he then knew that Sarandon was a total fraud and a liar]. 

Carson: I thought you were going to balance this out. 

Sarandon: And then I said that I uhm that impeachment wasn't uh ...that is was a safety structure in the Constitution and certainly not a threat to the democracy [the USA is a republic and not a democracy, tho].  And that, uh, even if he was innocent [and all citizens are innocent until proven guilty in English common law societies] and had an uncanny amount of bad luck, surrounding himself with all these dishonest men, he should put his ego aside for the good of the country and resign. 

Carson:  Well, that certainly balances out Jack's uh...I get a strong feeling I'm going to get a call from Ron Ziegler [ Nixon's Press Secretary] right after this show is over.  I don't know why. 

Carson: What have you been doing lately? Talk about what's happening with you.  

Sarandon: Oh, I've been working, and I've been robbed, and my house has been hit by lightning, and my cat died. 

Carson: You want to take those one at a time?  We thought the country was in trouble. You got ripped off? 

Sarandon: Yes, I was staying at a hotel here I came out to do some...

Carson: No, don't mention the hotel

Sarandon: No, I won't mention the name.  But they uh during the night someone came into my very room and stole a large satchel that had everything I need to live on. I was planning to move the next day into an apartment.  

Carson: You were in the same room when he came in?

Sarandon: Yes, it was at the foot of my bed.  Much to my surprise in the morning when I woke up it was gone - all of my cash, my travelers checks,  my tarot cards, my kazoo, my pen knife.  Everything I need.

Carson: Your tarot cards?

I guess Susan Sarandon and her psychic tarot cards that couldn't predict that she'd get robbed were used to predict the outcome of the 2016 POTUS election

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