Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Reason for Easter Eggs

Some sola scriptura Christians believe Easter eggs are simply an evil pagan tradition:

However, the tradition of Easter eggs could be a result of fasting for the forty days of Lent, which is based on Luke 4:2

Additionally, eggs could be an homage to the Last Supper / Passover Seder:

From Rabbi Kirt Schneider 2017 Messianic Passover:

In case link breaks, the relevant clip

Rabbi Schneider: Notice also on the plate I have an egg. The egg was an element that was added and the reason it was added because it symbolized, again, the sacrifices that used to take place while the temple was standing. And the question that some may be asking themselves is, "Why an egg as a symbol of the sacrifice?"  So, how many times do we sin? And the answer is: every day.   We're answering the question:"Why an egg?" The next question is this:"How many times does a chicken lay an egg?"  And the answer: "Every day" So many Christians around the world  don't understand that when they partake communion or the Lord's Supper  what they're actually doing is celebrating Passover. You see. it's out of Passover that the Lord's Supper and Communion comes.     

And a smart alecky snarky snark reason for Easter eggs:

Father Cedric for his 2018 Palm Sunday sermon

reiterates a possibly apocryphal story about a mother bird protecting her chicks during 1988 Yellowstone National Park fire:

Father Cedric: [Paschal sacrifice] is about generosity, it's about giving.  I heard a story about what happened in Yellowstone Park about thirty years ago. If you didn't know this. There was a ferocious fire there, burned about a million acres in Yellowstone National Park. Can you imagine? All those acres burned thirty years ago.  Tremendous fire. Well after the fire there was calming down, there was still some smoke going on. But after the fire the park rangers came and they were trying to assess the damage and they came upon a very grotesque sight. They came upon a bird with its wings frozen like this [holding his arms out]   it was charred. It had been burnt by the fire. So one of the park rangers went over and he  took a stick   and he knocked over the bird. And when he knocked over the bird five little chicks ran from underneath the bird.  You see, it was the mother bird, and when the fire came, the bird spread its wings.  The mother bird sacrificed itself for its young. And that's exactly what we have at the passion.      When we celebrate Eucharist  or mass it is the sacrifice of the mass and that's exactly what we're celebrating is Jesus's death and resurrection for us on Calvary.  He was sacrificing Himself for us , his chicks, so that we could be saved from the fires of death and hell. That Jesus would bring us through this  to eternal life.  Those of you who are parents you know that love is all about sacrifice. 

Snopes and  TruthOrFiction both assert that this story is not true and apparently started with an email that quoted Psalm 91:4 vs Luke 13:34

I couldn't find an Yellowstone Park Bird Report dated earlier than 1999 online, but the 2000 report does relate the story of a wayward chicken:

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