Sunday, February 16, 2014

I love Rum & Coke in part to Spite Puritanical Liberals who view it as Cultural Imperialism

I inadvertently found out about the hatred US liberals have for Rum and Coke b/c I follow a drunk Russian guy on twitter who tweeted

Which via google translate reads:

I am very afraid [of] "whiskey and Coke," because after the "whiskey and Coke" I fear nothing

I tweeted back that in the US we usually mix rum rather than whiskey with Coke. I then googled to find a drink recipe (I know, duh, rum+coke), and I ran across lefty 's Slate article: "The Rum and Coke: How to improve upon the classic mediocre Caribbean-American highball denouncing this cocktail"  who incorporated an anti-American, anti-capitalist screed into his article:

The rum and Coke is the West Indian equivalent of the gin and tonic—a highball symbolic of empire. Rum, a liquor essential to the geometry of the Atlantic slave trade, met Coke, the consummate quaff of American capitalism. (Think of Cocacolonization and Godard’s “Children of Marx and Coca-Cola.”

I snarkily tweeted a link to Patterson's blame America first, second, and always article:

I was implying, like Rush Limbaugh, that modern liberals are the modern kill joy Puritans

or as Evan Sayet said:

"The modern liberal, there’s something about his ideology that leads him to invariably and inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right, the lesser over the better, the ugly over the beautiful, the profane over the profound, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."

Patterson replied and asserted that he was humorFUL vs humorLESS:

Even though we have opposing political affiliations, I tried to maintain a civil conservation and asked for a recommendation of a politically correct drink, which Troy recommended a sidecar:

For people, such as myself, unfamiliar with either the history or recipe of the drink HuffPo has an article describing both: "An Ode to the Sidecar Cocktail"

Since the recipe calls for lemon juice, I made the apolitical observation that it looks like a good source of vitamin C:

That was the end of the conversation, and I thought that it ended in a polite enough fashion where we both agreed to disagree about politics but could come together on the common ground that alcohol is awesome.

However, when I later ran across a tweet from person from India:

which translates to:

Old Monk Rum is the national drink of cold in India
Cheers ...
Who is it that today in Troy
Happy Weekend Friends :))

I wanted to inform Troy that, contrary to his stereotype, people from the former British colony of India did not drink gin and tonics. I tried searching for my old tweets about rum, but could not find them.

Supposedly, if you can't find tweets in your search according to the CNBC article: "Did Twitter fully undo changes to its 'block' feature?"  you've been blocked by that user:

I had to go to my backup twitter account to track down my old tweets and catalog them here.

In addition to hating Coca Cola since its HQ is in US, the left also hates Bacardi, which altho has never been a US company, is still hated b/c it doesn't give money to murdering Communist dictators:

So, to all the hippy liberals out there: Cuba Libre - The Original Cocktail of Freedom! From E.J. Schultz May 18, 2013 "AdAge" article "New Bacardi Ad Re-Creates Rum-and-Coke History
Jake Scott-Directed Spot Begins New History-Focused Campaign in U.S."

"Bacardi USA's answer to Captain Morgan is Colonel Roosevelt."

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