Thursday, August 2, 2012

You have to pay money to watch the #Olympics ?

After reading an amusing article about the alleged cheating scandal in international badminton competition (which is obviously a sport much more deserving of Olympic inclusion than baseball, spare me), I was taken aback by the fact that people are apparently paying  hard earned money to watch this malarkey:

"I'm furious. It is very embarrassing for our sport," said Gail Emms, a badminton (I didn't realize that's how you spelled the word) Olympic silver medalist for Great Britain in 2004, who was at the event for BBC Sport. "This is the Olympic Games. This is something that is not acceptable. The crowd paid good money to watch two matches."

I thought the Brits were Shang Hai-ing random people off the streets just to fill the seats. That is, when Brit pols aren't karmically and comically left hanging as a Britnata:

According to folks at ESPN, who were actually taking this sport and scandal seriously, the tickets cost £80, which is about $125 with today's conversion rate. Seriously? Somebody paid the equivalent of two full 8 hour days at minimum wage to watch a badminton game? Were they drunk when they ordered the tickets?

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