Monday, August 6, 2012

@NatGeo 's Secret Voice of Hitler

National Geographic aired a program analyzing the Secret Voice of Hitler:

It was asserted in this documentary that Nazi Germany, not surprisingly, typically heavily edited Hitler's media, so that this secret recording was rather anomalous. My gut reaction was to think how horrible it is for the media to collaborate with a totalitarian dictator and I condescendingly felt that a free press in a free democratic republic would never behave in such a manner....until I remembered that's exactly what the American media did with respect to FDR's polio:

Was FDR's paralysis hidden from the public?Yes. FDR concealed his paralysis as much as possible for political reasons: society at the time did not recognize the ability of disabled persons to perform the demanding responsibilities of elective office.
How many photographs show FDR in a wheelchair?
There was a gentlemen's understanding with the press that photographs displaying FDR's disability were not published. Consequently, only candid photos of FDR in his wheelchairs have survived. The Roosevelt Library owns three of them.

And, on a lighter note, today's American media has shown the same predilection for being the compliant lap dog for the current Democrat president:

As Bernard Goldberg documents in his book, A Slobbering Love Affair:


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