Saturday, April 4, 2009

Obama's Peachy European Tour

Obama delivered a speech in France in which he morally equated US bankers to Al Qaeda:

The terrorists who struck in London, in New York, plotted in distant caves and simple apartments much closer to your home. And the reckless speculation of bankers that has new fueled a global economic downturn that's inflicting pain on workers and families is happening everywhere all across the globe.

The Peoples Cube compares and contrasts how the left and right covered Obama's tour of Europe. They included a quote from a left wing Kos Kid:

He opened the floor to ordinary European citizens who asked better questions than any American journalist.

This comment perhaps reflects more upon the state of abject adulation that exists within the US MSM than it does on alleged sophistication of Europeans. Obama's teleprompter, citing the Washington Times, points out that 2 out of the 5 questions fielded by Obama in Strasbourg, France were foreign exchange students from the US, much to the displeasure of both Obama and the French audience. One of the brilliant questions that was asked by the country that brought the world Descartes, Laplace, Fourier:

His fifth and final questioner made it clear at the outset that she was not American. “I’m totally European,“ the young woman from Heidelberg, Germany, said. She taught him a new Hungarian word, too. “First of all, I wanted to tell you that your name in Hungarian means ‘peach,“‘ she said. In fact, ‘Barack’ is the Hungarian word for the fuzzy fleshed fruit. “Well how about that. I did not know that,“ a seemingly surprised Obama said. “Now you know it,“ she replied, then asked whether he ever regretted running for president.

However, it appears that Obama cannot even prevent himself from prevaricating on the meaning of his own name, because his feigned ignorance was false:

Obama might not have known it, but his supporters in the U.S. certainly did. During the campaign, they used the language play to gather supporters for peach festivals in Colorado, Michigan and Massachusetts.

On the subject of pink dolphins versus peaches, if Michelle Obama wants to fulfill her fantasy for riding on a pink dolphin, she will have to travel to Louisiana.

On a separate note, and filed under "P" for "Painfully Obvious": Estimate says bailout will cost taxpayers more

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