Monday, March 4, 2024

🇫🇷 🇧🇪 🇻🇦 Saint Colette of Corbie Feast: March 6


🇫🇷 🇧🇪 🇻🇦 Saint Colette of Corbie
Invoked against headaches (✝️ 1447 Anno Domini A.D. ) Feast: March 6
Saints Who Are Patrons of Everyday Concerns

The daughter of a carpenter 🔨from Corbie in Picardy , France , Colette tried religious life 3 times before she entered the Franciscan Third Order & settled on her true vocation as an anchoress. She lived in a room or "anchorhold" attached to the church in Corbie ⛪


A window 🪟 that looked out on the altar permitted her to center her life on the Eucharist :jesus: 🫓  🍷 . In time, a steady flow of visitors came to beg Colette's wise counsel 🦉 Colette received a vision of Saint Francis of Assisi asking Christ :jesus:  to send Colette to reform his Poor Clare nuns. At first, she was afraid that it came from the devil 👿 yet she could not shake the sense that she was being called. 


Colette prayed for help 🙏  & the priest Henri de Baume showed up at her anchorhold. Together they sought the aid of Peter de Luna , whom the French acknowledged as pope under the name of Benedict XIII (at the time, the papacy was contested).  Peter approved of Colette's inspiration 💡 & made her superior of any convents she would establish or reform ⛪ Eventually she founded 17 new convents in all. 

Colette 's work was supported by her frequent prayer 🙏 which focused on the Passion of Christ :jesus:  A vision 🕊️ near the end of her life presaged the devastation of the Reformation, but Colette was reassured that her reform of the Poor Clares would endure. Indeed, the Poor Clare Colettines remain today, faithful to Colette's original reforms.


🙏 Merciful Father, through the intercession of Saint Colette of Corbie , save me from the temptation to stay in my own head. Teach me to be watchful, to listen, to follow 🛐

#SaintColetteOfCorbie #PrayForUs 🙏 


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