Thursday, February 22, 2024

🇹🇷 🇻🇦 Saint Polycarp


🇹🇷 🇻🇦 Saint Polycarp
Patron of those with ear problems 👂 (✝️ c 155 Anno Domini A.D.)                   Feast: 23 February
Saints Who Are Invoked in Times of Illness

Polycarp was one of the Apostolic Fathers following just after the apostles. He knew the teaching of Saint John the Evangelist & was friends with Saints Ignatius of Antioch & Irenaeus of Lyons 🇫🇷

Polycarp became bishop of Smyrna (modern Izmir , Turkey ) where he himself suffered martyrdom around the year 155 A.D. The eyewitness account of Polycarp's martyrdom tells how Polycarp calmly awaited those who sough him in a farm near the city & how he served them dinner before they took him into custody ⛓️ Brought to the amphitheater 🏟️ where a crowd gathered, Polycarp heard a voice from say to him, "Be strong 💪 & show yourself a man, Polycarp"


The proconsul there asked him to curse Christ 🤬 :jesus: "I have served him for 86 years & he has done me no wrong," he replied. "How can I blaspheme my king & savior?" The crowd then demanded his blood 🩸 & he was condemned to be burned to death 🔥 Polycarp uttered a prayer 🙏 & the fire was set. The flames surrounded him but miraculously did not burn him, & the executioner was commanded to end his life by a spear-thrust.


Polycarp 's bones 🦴 ☠️ were collected from the ashes by Christians who judged them "more precious than stones of great price." He was at least 86 when he died.

🙏 Father of mercies, through the intercession of Saint Polycarp, make me kind in the face of persecution 🛐


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