Wednesday, February 21, 2024

🇧🇊 ðŸ‡Ŧ🇷 ðŸ‡ŪðŸ‡đ ðŸ‡ŧðŸ‡Ķ Blessed Marie of Jesus.


🇧🇊 ðŸ‡Ŧ🇷 ðŸ‡ŪðŸ‡đ ðŸ‡ŧðŸ‡Ķ Blessed Marie of Jesus
Foundress (✝️ 1878 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 22 February
Saints Who Were Widowed

"Everything in our life must be for Jesus :jesus: , his Kingdom ðŸ‘‘ & Reparation." Born in Belgium in October of 1818 A.D. Emilie d'Oultremont was the daughter of the Belgian ambassador to the Holy See ⛪ With her father, she often traveled throughout Europe ðŸ‡ŠðŸ‡š ðŸ›‚ & when she was 19, she married Victor d'Hooghvoorst ðŸ’’ ðŸ‘°♀️ ðŸ’ ðŸĪĩ

They had 4 children, but after a decade Emilie 's husband died of malaria. During his long illness, Emilie, who loved Saint Ignatius , received guidance from the Jesuit Fathers. Emilie's 2 sons eventually attended the Jesuit College in Paris ðŸŦ ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸŦ & she moved to Paris to be near them.


One day-the same day Blessed Pius IX declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception - Emilie was at prayer ðŸ™ It is said she received a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Taking it as a call to religious life, she soon began a small community in her home ðŸĄ ✝️ Within a short time she established the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix , making her vows in 1858 A.D. & taking the name Marie of Jesus . Later her 2 daughters joined the communityðŸ‘Đ‍👧‍👧


With a courage born of love ðŸ’— Mother Marie responded rapidly to requests for help from the Jesuit missionaries. Her community soon had houses in 8 countries. She died in 1878 A.D. & is buried in Rome ðŸŠĶ

🙏 Loving Father, through the intercession of Blessed Marie , help all parents teach their children to make reparation to Jesus :jesus: through the Immaculate Heart of Mary ðŸ›


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