Tuesday, September 12, 2023

🇫🇷🇻🇦 Saint Amatus Feast: 13 September


🇫🇷🇻🇦 Saint Amatus
Abbot (✝️ c 630 Anno Domini A.D.)        Feast: 13 September

🇫🇷🇻🇦 Saint Romaric
Abbot (✝️ 652 A.D.)           Feast: 18 December

Saints Who Worked Together

According to a traditional account, Amatus (or Amé ) was born in Grenoble , France & educated as a boy at the monastery of Agaunum ⛪ He became a monk & lived for a time as a hermit, subsisting on the harvest from the garden he cultivated for himself 👨‍🌾




Until Saint Eustace , who was traveling through, convinced Amatus to join him at the monastery of Luxeuil ⛪🇨🇭 Amatus was dining 🍻one day at the house of a nobleman, Romaric. After a difficult youth, Romaric had found favor at court 🤴& now had lands & servants aplenty. Romaric asked Amatus the same question that the rich young man posed to Christ :jesus: "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mark 10:17)





And Amatus gave the reply: "Sell what you have & give to the poor, then come, follow me." (Mark 10:21) In short order, Romaric sold nearly all his holdings & followed Amatus to Luxeuil . In 620 A.D. the 2 men teamed up to found the monastery of Remiremont on the site of Amatus 's former estate of Habendum . This double monastery ⛪ which admitted women & men in different houses

#Catholic #BibleQuote




This gave Romaric 's daughters the chance to enter religious life. Amatus was the first abbot. Upon his death, he was succeeded by Romaric, who led for the next 30 years. At the time of his death, the religious at Remiremont numbered 600.




🙏 Heavenly Father, through the intercession of Saints Amatus and Romaric , help me to recommit to the work of building the Kingdom 🛐




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