Saint Phileas
Bishop and martyr (
306 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 4 February
Saints Who Suffered for a Tenet of the Faith
"And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will in herit eternal life" (Matthew 19:29). Phileas was bishop ♝ of Thmuis in Lower Egypt , in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire
, where Diocletian's edicts brought about fierce persecution
Phileas was arrested
and brought to trial in Alexandria
A letter he wrote
to his flock describes the way in which Christians were tormented. Everyone "had full liberty to insult
strike, and beat
them." For Phileas, there were also other pressures. He was an honorable and learned man
had a wife and children
- a phenomenon that occured in the early Church
where already-married men
were sometimes ordained, though they usually embraced continence afterwards - and possessed enormous wealth
enough to support a city. A long record of his interrogation shows how staunch Phileas remained in the face of pressure to deny Christ
People on all sides begged Phileas to comply. His wife was brought to court to sway him, but he responded: "Jesus Christ, the Savior of souls, calls me to his glory: and he can also, if he pleases, call my wife." Though the sympathetic judge
was more than willing to allow delays of the case, and his own brother sent word (falsely
) that Phileas was ready to give in, nothin swayed Phileas. Resolved upon eternal life
he went to death cheerfully. "I have considered, and it is my unchangeable resolution to die for Christ."
Lord Jesus Christ
through the prayers and witness of Saint Phileas, help us to trust in your love
more than in any earthly attachment. 
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