Blessed Ivan Merz
Layman ( 1928 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 10 May
Saints Who Encourage Us to Pray
"Bacon is waiting there to set me a trap!
Those who think that fasting is just a little something do not really know what they are talking about." Born in Bosnia in 1896 A.D., Ivan Merz dreamed of teaching young people in his home country
Ivan 's university studies were interrupted by World War I, & he spent 2 years in the military . He found meaning in the painful experiences of war by turning more deeply to his Catholic faith
, committing himself to fasting & making a private vow of perpetual chastity
After the war, Ivan returned to his studies, first in Vienna then in Paris
& finally in Zagreb , Croatia
He received a doctorate in philosophy
but the love for the liturgy that marked his life appears in the title of his thesis: "The Influence of the Liturgy on French Authors."
As a professor of language & literature, Ivan was a model of dedication, caring for his students & conscientious in his duties. In private, he continued to study philosophy, theology, & magisterial documents
Special love for young people marked Ivan Merz 's short life, & he was effective in leading them to prayer
& fidelity to the Holy Father. He has been called the "pillar of the Church" in Croatia
. Ivan died at the age of 31 & was beatified in A.D. 2003.
Heavenly Father, through the example of Blessed Ivan Merz , grant us the love of fasting
, study
, & the liturgy
, that we may triumph over uncertain times
#BlessedIvanMerz #PrayForUs
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