Sunday, June 9, 2019

#FakeNews from @NBCNews smearing Trump as pro Rape & Murder 😒

NBC Dateline creatively edited their video to make it look like a convicted murderer loves Trump and MAGA

Democrat operative masquerading as a journalist: [George Burch - murder suspect] casually chatted with the detectives.

NPC Media: What was his reaction when you told him why he was there?

Detective Slinger: His demeanor changed zero.

[edited police tape]

Detective Slinger from interview tape speaking to suspect: The reason you're here is into -- uh, in reference to a homicide investigation into Nicole VanderHeyden. OK? So, is this something that you want to talk to me about?

Burch on interview tape: No, sir.

NPC interviewer: Burch appeared to be calm throughout.

Det Slinger on tape: So if I read your Miranda rights, you don't -- you don't want to talk to me?

Burch on tape: No, sir. I'd prefer a lawyer.

Det Slinger: OK

NPC interviewer: According to Detective Slinger [ George Burch ] appeared too calm

Slinger: [Burch ] just continued smoking

Burch on tape: Yeah, Donald Trump is buying up all the properties.

Slinger: Less than thirty seconds later he starts talking about Donald Trump.  It's like we were buddies from way back.  And we were just hanging out, chatting, catching up.  And he didn't seem to have a care in the world at that time.  It's alarming that someone would be that nonchalant  about such a serious crime that they're being accused of doing.  That told me that we're definitely dealing with someone that has some psychological issues.

NPC interviewer: Just as Doug Detrie supporters were stunned to find out about his arrest months earlier,  George Burch's supporters were now left scratching their heads.

NPC media[speaking to former Burch friends] : What was your reaction when the police told you that George Burch had been arrested for Nikki's murder?

Burch friend, Ed Jackson: Shocking, didn't believe it.

NPC media: After all, long time friend, Ed Jackson, and his wife, Linda, had invited George into their home. [to Ed ]  Why not?

Jackson: Just wasn't him. Wasn't what I knew of him.

Linda Jackon: I was stunned, of course.

If you're going to bring Trump's name into a story about a convicted drug dealing, rapist, murderer, I believe it behooves a professional journalist to clarify whether the subject of your story was pro or anti Trump, which the NBC story never did.

However, the ABC affiliate in Green Bay, Wisconsin did clarify that Burch was most assuredly anti versus pro Trump

Hay, Andrea. “Burch Ranted about Donald Trump during His 2016, 2 Mar. 2018,

[Convicted murderer Burch ] "was talking about Donald Trump, and how Donald Trump had messed up the state of Virginia buying all this real estate developments and whatever."

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