Saturday, July 26, 2014

Congress-Kritters & their minions like to steal silverware

After Democrat Rep Jan Schakowsky tweeted about how horrible it is to survive on the proletarian menu of her constituents, many Republicans goofed on her patronizing condescension:

I Own The World, of course, had to develop a spoof line of Schakowsky frozen dinners:

I chimed in with a goof of my own:

I then read thru the entire March 24, 2011 Los Angeles Times article: "Republicans scrap 'compostable' utensils in House cafeterias"  and came across this rather absurd paragraph:

"Since a lot of staffers eat at their desks, 'you're going to lose silverware or you're going to have drawers full of dirty silverware," [Pelosi spokesman Drew] Hammill said. 'Either way, that's not going to save you money.'"
The Democrat spokes-critter just matter-of-factly asserts that people who work for Congress steal silverware, the quintessential stereotype of horrible dishonest relatives, as illustrated in this scene from "Sense and Sensibility":

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