Saturday, July 7, 2012

#Obama loved Howard Johnson's

Allegedly, Obama spent his childhood vacations at Howard Johnson's:

“Best vacation I had when I was a kid was my grandmother, my mom and my sister — we traveled around the country on Greyhound buses and on trains and we stayed at Howard Johnson’s.”

although Lucianne Goldberg is skeptical:

A quick check shows O at 11 yrs. in Hawaii and Indonesia. No Greyhound. No Howard Johnsons. Must have been a composite vacay.
Barack's alleged love of HoJos might explain Michelle’s hideous aqua/orange outfit as an homage to their decor:

I wonder if the the grandma in the HoJo holiday anecdote is the same grandmother that Obama threw under the (Greyhound?) bus by calling a racist in order to protect Jeremiah Wright:

But isn’t it amazing that Mr. Obama is happy to call his sainted grandmother who raised him a racist, but he still can’t bring himself to say that Mr. Wright is one?


  1. A quick check shows O at 11 yrs. in Hawaii and Indonesia. No Greyhound. No Howard Johnsons.

    I'm sure that there are many inconsistencies (aka lies) in those books of BHO's.

  2. Yes, it appears that Maraniss has inadvertently Fisked Obama's Lies from My Father
