Tuesday, April 16, 2024

🇮🇹 🇻🇦 Blessed Clare of Pisa Feast: 17 April


🇮🇹 🇻🇦 Blessed Clare of Pisa
Dominican Reformer (✝️ 1419 Anno Domini A.D.) Feast: 17 April

Blessed Clare was the daughter of a prominent citizen of Pisa . When she was 7 she was betrothed to a prosperous young man & 5 years later moved in with his family. With other women she cared for the sick 👩‍⚕️ but her in-laws quickly tired of her piety 🙏 & her generous almsgiving 💰 When her husband died they were happy to be rid of her.




Back in her family home, Clare refused to remarry. Instead, she made plans to enter religious life ⛪ She was inspired, in part, by a letter 📝 from St. Catherine of Siena , who wrote her, "Strip yourself of self. Love God with a free & loyal love." 💗  :jesus:  Cutting off her hair 💇 & giving away her rich clothes, Clare ran off to join the Poor Clares . Her family would hear none of this. After dragging her home in disgrace, they held her prisoner for half a year ⛓️ 🔒



Eventually, when it was clear that nothing would weaken her resolve, they allowed her to enter a Dominican convent ⛪ In fact, when this community proved too lax for Clare's tastes, her father built her a convent of her own, where she & other like-minded nuns observed a strict rule. With emphasis on poverty, prayer 🙏 & manual labor 👩‍🌾 Clare 's community became a center of reform & renewal for the Dominicans in Italy .



Study was a serious 📚 📕 part of community life. As Clare's spiritual director told her, "Never forget that in our Order very few have become saints who have not likewise been scholars." As she lay dying in 1419 A.D. she murmured, "My Jesus , here I am upon the cross."

🙏 "Lord, :jesus:  you know that I desire no love 💗 but thine" 🛐

-Blessed Clare of Pisa

#BlessedClareOfPisa #PrayForUs 🙏




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