Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Just Say "No" to the War Against Carbon


C.S. Lewis in "That Hideous Strength" has one of his villains 🦹 engage in a war against trees 🌳 🪓 & all organic biological life forms - just like these WEFer "environmentalists" engage in a war against carbon:

“It sounds…like abolishing pretty well all organic life”

“And why not? It is simple hygiene…In us organic life has produced Mind. It has done its work. After that we want no more of it. We do not want the world any longer furred over with organic life, like what you call the blue mould-all sprouting & budding & breeding & decaying. We must get rid of it…..Learn to make our brains live with less & less body:learn to build our bodies directly with chemicals”



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