Saturday, December 17, 2022

Keep the Christ :jesus: in Christmas


Presumably the point of this documentary is to promote ecumenical brotherhood & whatnot but I find it to be aggravating at times.

This is annoying - shortly after Pearl Harbor - Irving Berlin released "White Christmas" - that, according to this documentary, removes Christ from Christmas :jesus: & makes the holiday secular & only about snow 🌨️ (no, it doesn't).

Jackie Mason then (jokingly?) compares Christians to cattle 🐮

Not to be persnickety, but this documentary is inaccurate
Johnny Marks only wrote the music 🎶 to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 's lyrics 📝 " I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" ⛪

Actually, I like Casting Crowns 's adaption of Longfellow 's lyrics

better than Marks - even if it is sung by Bing Crosby

This documentary does point out that Jesus was Jewish 🕎:jesus: but then points out that the Puritans outlawed Christmas - but that seems mainly due to their hatred of all things Catholic versus any animosity towards Jesus

As Philomena Cunk / Diane Morgan points out - the Puritans' sola scriptura standards weren't always entirely logical:

"Christians shouldn't celebrate Christmas because it isn't in the Bible, but instead should be in Church, which isn't in the Bible, reading the Bible, which isn't in the Bible "

Dr Taylor pushes back against the smear that Catholics just made up the date of December 25 (as was asserted in the video of the previous post) to dunk on pagans & gives the Biblical & historical support for Christmas :jesus:

"DREAMING OF A JEWISH CHRISTMAS" documentary makes me want to boycott all secular "Christmas" songs in the future. Non-Christian composers, instead of being ecumenical & open minded, are condescending & censorious:

Rob Bowman: "If you look at virtually every Christmas song written by a Jewish composer, they're not religious. This is taking Christmas out of anything about a baby Jesus &, you know, the manger & all of that stuff, & it's creating a new mythology, the mythology of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

It makes me even more supportive of the grumpy nun's POV in "Doubt" & to ban the playing of pagan songs like "Frosty the Snow Man" ☃️

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