Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Nazis Supported Transgender Research

I was reading a book on the Holocaust Kor, Eva M, and Lisa Rojany-Buccieri. Surviving the Angel of Death: The Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz. Terre Haute, Ind: Tanglewood, 2012. Print.

And learned that Hitler supported transgender research.

"Older girls, many years after we were all liberated, told us Mengele had taken them to a lab and had given them a transfusion of blood from a boy, and had transfused their blood into the bodies of boys.  He wanted to discover a way to change girls into boys and boys into girls.  Many of these details I found out forty years later, such as the teenage boy-twins who had some of their private parts cut off in Mengele's quest to see if he could turn them into girls.  One of those boys died in his bed right next to his twin, who said later, 'I could feel my brother's body turning cold."

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