Sunday, May 20, 2018

Russia kills people in UK & Tells Japan to break Alliance with USA

From NHK 4/29/2018 report

Reporter: Ahead of next month's planned Japan Russia summit Russia's new ambassador is criticizing Japan's close relationship with the United States.  In a sit down interview with NHK Mikhail Galuzin said it could hurt Moscow's relationship with Tokyo.

Reporter: One of the issues Galuzin cited was Japan's supporting the United State's claim that Russia was behind the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Southern England.  The US and more than twenty other countries subsequently expelled more than 150 Russian diplomats.  Japan did not.

Galuzin [through an interpreter] We can not ignore the hostile policies the US is taking against Russia.

Reporter: But, Galuzin also expressed hope that Russia and Japan could bridge the gap when Vladimir Putin and Shinzō Abe meet in May.

Galuzin: Summit meetings have played an important role in developing bilateral ties.

Reporter: They're also expected to discuss an ongoing territorial dispute on the Russian held [Kuril] islands claimed by Japan.  The Japanese government maintains the islands are an inherent part of Japan's territory and says the islands were illegally occupied after World War II.

From Reuters. “Kuril Islands and Russia-Japan Dispute.” Dhaka Tribune, 15 Dec. 2016, 09:50 pm,

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