I wonder if the Left's interest in forcing Americans to be skinny is purely for aesthetic reasons, their purported concern for health care cost, or if they are trying to validate their progressive theories. From Michael Harrington's The Accidental Century:
these quantities [urban population growth] gave rise to the Malthusian theory of decadence. Population, it was said, would outstrip food supply; the birthrate was a harbinger of social death.
Does the Left's theory that Capitalism creates a skinny, deprived, abused proletariat, "the paradox of starvation through glut", explain the Left's war on fat kids?
Is the Left trying to force the data to fit their theories, like they tried to do with global warming in Climategate?
The Progressive version of the scientific method seems to be: If your theory, based on your preconceived ideology, predicts one outcome, but the data contradicts your theory, rather than rethink your assumptions & hypotheses, just change the data to fit your theory.
Conversely, or in addition, the Left could just be interested in power & fantasizing about WWII, an era when progressives micromanaged everyone's life, down to the last ounce of meat, with government issued ration cards:
"Is the Left trying to force the data to fit their theories, like they tried to do with global warming in Climategate?"
A clickable link to above message. As a nerd, I'm annoyed I didn't figure out that the arithmetic was wrong. Curses!